The Ultimate Guide to Using Notion as Your Blog CMS

Discover how to transform your blog into a traffic-driving powerhouse using Notion as your CMS. This comprehensive guide for 2024 will take you from zero to blogging hero, leveraging Notion's powerful features to boost your online presence and increase sales.

The Ultimate Guide to Using Notion as Your Blog CMS
Coming a close second to actually writing something valuable, effective content management is key to building a successful blog. Notion, being a super versatile and user-friendly tool, has become a favorite among bloggers for its ability to streamline the blogging process.
In this ultimate guide for 2024, we will explore how you can use Notion as your blog CMS to drive traffic, engage readers, and boost your online presence. Whether you're a seasoned blogger or just starting out, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to transform your blog and achieve your goals.

Why Choose Notion as Your Blog CMS

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  • Notion’s intuitive interface simplifies content management, making it accessible for beginners and experienced users alike.
  • Its drag-and-drop functionality allows you to organize content effortlessly, without any need for coding or complex setups.


  • Notion consolidates all your notes, tasks, and databases into one cohesive platform, eliminating the need to juggle multiple apps.
  • You can manage everything from blog drafts to editorial calendars in a single workspace, ensuring seamless workflow and easy access to all your content.


  • Notion offers the ability to create custom templates and databases tailored to your specific blogging needs.
  • You can design your own content structures, such as post templates, content calendars, and task lists, to fit your unique workflow.


  • Notion allows team collaboration with real-time editing and comments, meaning multiple contributors can work on content simultaneously.
  • You can assign tasks, leave feedback, and track changes, ensuring that everyone on your team is aligned and contributing effectively.
These features make Notion a great choice for bloggers looking to streamline their content creation process, enhance collaboration, and maintain a well-organized workspace.
We list Notion’s top blogging features later in the post, but first let’s see how Notion stacks up against the traditional blogging competition…

Notion vs Other Blogging Platforms

Notion vs WordPress

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  • Features and Flexibility
    • WordPress is renowned for its extensive features and customizability. It offers thousands of themes and plugins to enhance functionality, making it a versatile platform for various types of websites.
    • Users can customize almost every aspect of their site, from design to functionality, through coding or third-party plugins.
  • Learning Curve
    • WordPress can be complex for beginners, with a steeper learning curve due to its huge amount of features and customization options.
    • It also requires regular maintenance and updates, which can be time-consuming and technically annoying.
  • Comparison
    • Notion’s simplicity and seamless integration make it more appealing for users who prefer an intuitive, all-in-one platform without the need for extensive customization or technical maintenance.

Notion vs Blogger

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  • Simplicity and Ease of Use:
    • Blogger offers a straightforward interface that is easy to use, making it ideal for beginners who want to start blogging quickly.
    • It integrates seamlessly with Google services, providing a hassle-free experience.
  • Limitations:
    • Blogger has limited customization options and features compared to other platforms. Users are restricted to basic design templates and functionality.
    • It lacks the advanced features and flexibility offered by platforms like Notion and WordPress.
  • Comparison:
    • While Blogger is user-friendly, Notion provides additional features and flexibility, allowing users to create custom templates and manage their content more effectively.

Notion vs Medium

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  • Built-in Audience
    • Medium provides access to a built-in audience, making it easier for writers to gain exposure and reach a wider readership.
    • Its minimalist design focuses on content, creating a clean and distraction-free reading experience.
  • Lack of Control
    • Medium limits user control over design and monetization options. Content is hosted on Medium's platform, which can be restrictive.
    • Users have less flexibility in customizing the appearance and functionality of their blog.
  • Comparison
    • Notion offers more control and customization options, allowing users to design their blog to fit their brand and preferences while maintaining ownership of their content.

Notion vs Wix/Squarespace

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  • Design and Ease of Use
    • Wix and Squarespace are known for their drag-and-drop design capabilities, making it easy for users to create visually appealing websites without coding.
    • Both platforms offer a range of templates and design tools to customize the look and feel of your site.
  • Cost and Features
    • Wix and Squarespace can be more expensive than other platforms, with pricing tiers that vary based on features and capabilities.
    • They provide integrated hosting and additional services, which can drive up the overall cost.
  • Comparison
    • Notion’s integrated workflow and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive alternative. It offers robust content management features without the higher costs associated with Wix and Squarespace.

Notion vs Ghost

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  • Professional Features:
    • Ghost is an open-source platform focused on professional blogging and content creation. It offers powerful features and tools designed specifically for bloggers and writers.
    • It provides built-in SEO and social sharing tools, enhancing visibility and reach.
  • Technical Knowledge:
    • Ghost requires more technical knowledge to set up and manage, as it often involves self-hosting and manual configuration.
    • Users need to be comfortable with technical aspects such as server management and command-line interfaces.
  • Comparison:
    • Notion’s ease of use and seamless integration benefits make it a more accessible option for users who prefer a straightforward setup without the need for extensive technical skills.
By comparing Notion with these popular blogging platforms, it's clear that Notion offers a unique combination of ease of use, flexibility, and collaborative features. We think this makes Notion an excellent choice for bloggers looking to streamline their content management process.

Key Blogging Features of Notion

Content Organization

  • Databases
    • Notion’s databases allow you to manage your blog content efficiently. You can create databases for posts, tags, authors, and categories, making it easy to organize and retrieve information.
    • Each database can be customized with properties such as publish dates, status, and categories, enabling you to filter and sort your content based on various criteria.
  • Templates
    • Notion’s templates help maintain consistency in your blog formatting. You can create templates for different types of posts, such as reviews, tutorials, or news articles, ensuring a uniform structure and appearance.
    • Using templates saves time by providing a predefined format that can be quickly populated with new content, streamlining your writing process.

Collaboration Tools

  • Real-Time Editing
    • Notion supports real-time editing, allowing multiple team members to work on a document simultaneously. This feature is invaluable for collaborative content creation, ensuring that updates are immediately visible to all contributors.
    • Real-time comments and mentions facilitate effective communication, enabling team members to provide feedback and discuss changes directly within the document.
  • Task Assignment
    • Notion allows you to assign tasks and roles within your workspace, ensuring that everyone knows their responsibilities. You can assign specific posts or sections to team members, track progress, and set deadlines.
    • This task management capability ensures that your content creation process is organized and efficient, with clear accountability for each team member.

AI Integration

  • Draft Writing
    • Notion’s AI tools can assist in drafting blog posts, providing a starting point that can be refined and expanded. This feature helps overcome writer’s block and speeds up the content creation process.
    • AI-generated drafts can serve as inspiration, giving you ideas for structure and content that you can build upon.
  • Content Optimization
    • AI-powered tools in Notion can help optimize your content for readability and engagement. They can suggest improvements in grammar, style, and tone, ensuring that your posts are polished and professional.
    • These tools can also analyze your content for SEO, suggesting keywords and structural changes to improve your blog’s search engine ranking.
  • Productivity
    • AI integration enhances productivity by automating routine tasks and providing intelligent suggestions. This allows you to focus more on creative aspects of writing and less on administrative tasks.
    • By streamlining the drafting and editing process, AI tools help you produce high-quality content more efficiently.

Customizable Workflows

  • Calendars
    • Notion enables you to create and manage editorial calendars, helping you plan and schedule your blog posts. You can visualize your content timeline, track upcoming deadlines, and ensure a consistent publishing schedule.
    • An editorial calendar keeps your content strategy organized, allowing you to plan ahead and maintain a steady flow of posts.
  • Tracking Progress
    • Using Kanban boards and timelines, Notion allows you to track the progress of your blog projects. You can move tasks through different stages, from draft to review to published, ensuring that each post goes through a thorough process before going live.
    • These visual tools provide a clear overview of your content pipeline, helping you manage your workflow effectively.

Integration with Other Tools

  • Embeds
    • Notion supports embedding content from various external tools like Google Drive, Figma, and more. This allows you to incorporate documents, designs, and other resources directly into your Notion pages, creating a centralized workspace for all your content needs.
    • Embedding ensures that all relevant information is easily accessible, enhancing collaboration and reducing the need to switch between multiple apps.
  • Automation
    • Using tools like Zapier, you can automate workflows in Notion, connecting it with other apps to streamline repetitive tasks. For example, you can set up automations to publish your Notion content or share updates on social media.
    • Automation reduces manual effort and ensures that your processes are efficient and error-free, allowing you to focus on content creation.
These features make Notion a powerful tool for bloggers, providing a comprehensive solution for content management, collaboration, and productivity. Next we look at exactly how you can set up Notion specifically for Blogging.

Manual Blog Setup with Notion

Initial Setup

  • Signing Up
    • To get started with Notion, visit Notion's website and sign up for a free account. Once you've signed up, you'll need to create a new workspace. This workspace will serve as your central hub for all blog-related activities.
    • Choose a workspace name that reflects your blog’s theme or brand. This will help you stay organized and maintain a professional look.
  • Duplicating Templates
    • Notion offers a variety of templates that can be used for blogging. To duplicate a template, go to Notion's template gallery and search for blog-related templates. Select one that suits your needs and click on "Duplicate" to add it to your workspace.
    • If you prefer to create your own setup, you can start by creating databases for your posts, tags, authors, and categories. This customized approach allows you to tailor your workspace exactly to your blogging requirements.

Organizing Content

  • Setting Up Databases
    • To manage your content effectively, set up separate databases for posts, tags, authors, and categories. Each database should have relevant properties such as titles, publish dates, statuses, and categories.
    • For example, your "Posts" database might include properties like Title, Status (Draft, Published), Publish Date, Tags, and Author. This setup will allow you to filter and sort your content easily.
  • Creating Templates
    • Creating templates in Notion ensures consistency across your blog posts. You can create a template for different types of posts, such as tutorials, reviews, or news articles.
    • To create a template, open your "Posts" database, click on "New" to create a new entry, and then select "Create a template." Customize the template with the structure and elements you want to include in your posts. Save the template for future use.

Creating and Managing Content:

  • Writing and Editing
    • Start writing your blog posts directly in Notion. Use the rich text editor to format your content, add images, and embed other media. Notion’s clean interface helps you focus on writing without distractions.
    • Use the sidebar to navigate between your posts and databases, making it easy to switch between writing and managing content.
  • Using AI Tools
    • Leverage Notion's AI tools to draft and edit your blog posts. AI can help you generate initial drafts, suggest improvements, and optimize your content for clarity and engagement.
    • Use AI to check grammar, style, and readability, ensuring that your posts are polished and professional.
  • Collaboration
    • Notion’s collaborative features allow team members to work together in real-time. Share your workspace with contributors, assign tasks, and leave comments directly on the content.
    • Collaboration tools ensure that everyone on your team can contribute to the content creation process, providing feedback and making edits as needed.


  • Exporting Content
    • Once your content is ready, you can export it for publishing. Notion allows you to export pages in various formats, such as PDF, Markdown, or HTML. Choose the format that works best for your publishing platform.
    • Exporting content in Markdown or HTML is particularly useful if you are integrating with a blog platform that supports these formats.
  • Integrations
    • To streamline the publishing process, use integrations with tools like Zapier. Zapier allows you to connect Notion with various publishing platforms, automating tasks such as posting new content to your blog or sharing updates on social media.
    • Set up automations to reduce manual effort and ensure your content is published promptly and accurately.
  • Scheduling
    • Notion enables you to plan and schedule your blog posts. Use the editorial calendar you created to manage your content pipeline, setting publish dates and deadlines.
    • Schedule posts in advance to maintain a consistent publishing schedule, keeping your audience engaged with regular updates.
By following these steps, you can set up a well-organized and efficient blog using Notion. This process ensures that your content is managed effectively, collaboration is seamless, and your publishing workflow is streamlined.
Want to make life much easier? There is a simpler way which means you can get all the benefits of using Notion as your blog CMS, plus all the benefits of a professionally published blog. Let’s introduce you to Feather.

Enhance Notion Blogs with Feather

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Introduction to Feather

Feather is a powerful platform designed to seamlessly integrate with Notion, transforming your Notion pages into a fully functional, SEO-optimized blog.
By using Feather alongside Notion, you can enjoy the benefits of a robust content management system (CMS) without the need for complex setups or expensive tools.
Even with Notion's free plan, you can leverage Feather to publish a professional blog that drives traffic and engages readers.

Top blogs using Feather

These hugely successful blogs use Feather with Notion to create engaging content for their audience. This means evergreen content that drives traffic whilst asleep. Check them out!

Benefits of Using Feather

  • SEO Optimization
    • Feather is built with SEO in mind, providing features that help your blog rank higher on search engines. You can set up meta titles, descriptions, and keywords directly within Notion, and Feather ensures these elements are optimized for better visibility.
    • Feather also supports creating subfolder blogs (e.g., rather than subdomains (e.g.,, which is great for SEO as it enhances your domain authority.
  • Custom Design
    • Feather offers extensive customization options, allowing you to design your blog to reflect your brand. You can use custom CSS to tweak the appearance, choose from a variety of templates, and ensure your blog stands out.
    • This flexibility ensures that your blog looks professional and unique, enhancing the user experience and making a lasting impression on your readers.
  • Collaborative Features
    • Feather enhances Notion’s collaborative capabilities by streamlining the publishing process. Teams can work together on content within Notion, and Feather handles the publishing automatically, ensuring that everyone’s contributions are accurately reflected on the live blog.
    • This integration makes it easier to manage content creation and publishing, even for distributed teams.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Setting Up Feather
    • To get started with Feather, visit the Feather website and sign up for an account. Once you have an account, you can create a new blog and link it to your Notion workspace.
    • Follow the prompts to set up your blog, including choosing a name and subdomain for your site.
  • Integrating Databases
    • Feather requires access to your Notion databases to manage content. In Notion, set your pages and databases to public (or shareable via a link) and copy the URLs.
    • In the Feather dashboard, navigate to the “Connect Database” section and paste the Notion URLs for your content, tags, authors, and pages databases. Feather will automatically map the necessary properties, but you can customize these mappings if needed.
  • Publishing
    • With Feather, publishing is streamlined and efficient. After connecting your Notion databases, you can draft posts in Notion and set them to publish directly through Feather.
    • Feather’s SEO tools will help optimize your content, and you can schedule posts to go live at specific times, ensuring a consistent publishing schedule.
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Why Feather

  • Use Notion as Your Blog CMS with Feather Feather is an innovative platform that allows you to use Notion as your blog CMS, offering seamless integration and powerful features to enhance your blogging experience.
  • Creating an SEO-Optimized Blog with Feather By using Feather, you can create an SEO-optimized blog that leverages Notion’s content management capabilities while ensuring your posts rank well on search engines.
  • Customization and Design Options with Feather Feather provides extensive customization options, allowing you to design your blog to perfectly match your brand’s identity. Use custom CSS and templates to create a unique look and feel.
  • Collaborating and Publishing with Feather Feather streamlines collaboration and publishing, making it easy for teams to work together on content within Notion and publish it seamlessly. This integration enhances workflow efficiency and ensures high-quality content delivery.
By integrating Feather with Notion, you can take full advantage of Notion’s powerful content management features while benefiting from Feather’s robust publishing, SEO, and customization capabilities.
This combination provides a complete solution for bloggers looking to maximize their online presence and drive traffic to their site.
Try Feather’s free trial today and see how easy it is to transform your Notion workspace into a professional, SEO-friendly blog.



Notion stands out as an exceptional choice for a blog CMS due to its ease of use, unified workspace, flexibility, and robust collaboration features. Its intuitive interface simplifies content management, while its powerful databases and templates ensure your blog stays organized and consistent.

Advantages of Notion and Feather

Combining Notion with Feather elevates your blogging experience to new heights. Feather enhances Notion’s capabilities with powerful SEO optimization, extensive customization options, and streamlined publishing workflows.
This integration allows you to leverage Notion's organizational strengths while benefiting from Feather’s advanced features, making it easier than ever to create and maintain a professional, traffic-driving blog.

Start Now

Ready to transform your blog and drive more traffic? Try Feather’s free trial today and experience the seamless integration with Notion. With Feather, you can take your blogging game to the next level, creating an SEO-optimized, beautifully designed blog that engages readers and boosts your online presence. Don’t wait—start your journey from zero to blogging hero now!

Love for Feather ❤️

Bonus Tips and Resources

Maintaining a Blog

  • Consistency is Key Regularly update your blog with fresh content to keep your audience engaged and attract new readers. Use Notion’s editorial calendar to plan and schedule posts in advance.
  • Engage with Your Audience Respond to comments, encourage feedback, and interact with your readers on social media. Building a community around your blog fosters loyalty and increases engagement.
  • Optimize for SEO Utilize Feather’s SEO tools to optimize your content for search engines. Use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and high-quality images to improve your blog’s visibility.
  • Promote Your Content Share your blog posts across various platforms, including social media, newsletters, and online communities. Use Notion to organize and track your promotion efforts.
  • Analyze Performance Regularly review your blog’s performance using analytics tools. Track metrics like page views, bounce rates, and engagement to understand what works and where you can improve.

Further Reading

By following these tips and exploring the additional resources, you can build and maintain a super successful blog that consistently attracts and engages readers. Use this powerful combination of Notion and Feather to create your blogging and win.

Ready to start your own blog while writing all your content on Notion?

Notion to Blog in minutes

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