How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog?

How much does it cost to start a blog? From domain names to hosting, this article covers all the costs you'll encounter when starting your own blog.

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog?
Are you a blogging for beginners enthusiast looking to understand how much does it cost to start a blog? Starting a blog can be exciting, but understanding the associated costs is often overwhelming. From hosting fees to domain purchases, these expenses can add up quickly, leading to confusion about where to start. Thankfully, our article breaks down the cost-related aspects, empowering you to make informed decisions while avoiding budgeting surprises.
Explore our detailed guide to discover how Feather can assist you in sorting out the cost of starting a blog. Whether you're just beginning your blogging journey or looking to launch a new blog, our insights will help you get started without breaking the bank.

Blogging For Business Vs Blogging As A Hobby

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
When it comes to starting a blog, the costs can vary significantly depending on whether you are blogging for business or as a hobby. To make money from your blog, you may need to invest in better hosting and additional app support, and you may even hire writers to produce content.
On the other hand, as a hobby blogger, you are more likely to focus on sharing your passion rather than boosting traffic and conversions, resulting in lower costs.
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Can I Build A Blog For Free?

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
The short answer is yes. There are many ways to build a free blog, especially using a website builder. Wix and offer free plans to help you get started without spending a cent.

Ads, Branding, and Limited Functionality

The more important question is, should you build a blog for free? We don’t recommend using a free plan if you want your blog to be taken seriously. You’ll often find that your site will be peppered with unwanted ads, and your website builder will add its domain name to your website address.

Limited Free Trials and The Importance of Paid Features

The same can be said of other costs, such as email marketing and apps or plugins. Usually, you can sign up for a free plan with these platforms, but the features you get will be limited, meaning you won’t feel their full benefit. We recommend opting for the first paid tier at least, if you want to build your blog’s success.

A Streamlined Blogging Solution with SEO Benefits

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog that allows you to publish blog content through Notion. It requires no coding or design skills. Feather allows companies to write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to their Feather blog. Feather allows you to set up a Subfolder blog ( instead of because subfolder is better for SEO).
Feather enables companies to get the HubSpot experience through Notion by allowing them to manage all their CRM and website blog management through Notion. We also offer options to change design with custom CSS, collect Emails, and much more. Write on Notion and automatically get that published to an SEO-friendly blog. Collaborate with the entire team easily during the publishing process.
Try Feather’s notion to blog software for free today — create a new account and go from notion to blog in minutes!

Factors That Can Impact Blog Costs

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog

Domain Name Costs

Average cost range: $0-$1,000+ per year
When setting up a blog, your domain name is one of the first costs to consider. A unique and memorable domain name can help establish your brand identity and build trust with your audience. The cost of a domain name can vary based on the provider and the type of domain you choose.

Website Hosting Costs

Average cost range: $0-$250 per month
Website hosting is what makes your blog accessible to readers online. The cost of website hosting can vary depending on the provider, package, and level of service you choose. Investing in a reliable hosting provider with the necessary features to meet your blogging needs is essential.

Website Security Costs

Average cost range: $0-$200+ per year
Protecting your blog with security measures is crucial to prevent cyberattacks. The costs of website security can vary based on your platform or hosting service. Investing in security measures can save you money in the long run by avoiding the costs associated with a security breach.

Template Costs

Average cost range: $0-$70+
Templates are pre-designed layouts that help you create the look and feel of your blog without coding each element from scratch. Templates can help solidify your brand’s visual identity and effectively organize your site’s content.

Logo and Branding Costs

Average cost range: $0-$10,000+ one time fee
A memorable logo, well-defined brand identity, and carefully chosen blog name can distinguish your blog from others in your niche. The cost of developing a logo can vary based on design complexity and designer expertise. Investing in a unified logo and look can foster brand recognition and trust among your readers.

Email Marketing Tool Costs

Average cost range: $0-$100+ per month
Building an email list of blog subscribers is essential for engaging with your audience. Email marketing tools can help you manage your email list and provide valuable content to your readers. The cost of email marketing tools can vary based on the number of subscribers and email frequency.

SEO Tool Costs

Average cost range: $0-$1,000+ per month
Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for boosting your blog’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. SEO tools can help you optimize your content and structure for better search engine performance. Investing in SEO tools can help your blog stand out in a competitive market.

Social Media Tool Costs

Average cost range: $0-$100+ per month
Repurposing blog content for social media can increase blog traffic and engagement. Social media tools can help you plan and schedule social media posts, driving traffic to your blog. The cost of social media tools varies based on the scale of your social media efforts. Look for tools that monitor online conversations and analyze social media data for better performance.

Recurring Expenses You Should Know About

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
Maintaining your blog is not just about the initial expenses you encounter while building it. Some hidden costs are waiting for you down the road.

Domain registrations

Domain registrations normally come with an annual billing cycle. It’s a crucial part of your blog’s identity. You must pay an annual renewal fee if you want to keep using your domain name year after year. The cost of domain renewal can range from $10 to $20 a year, depending on the registrar you choose to work with.

Web hosting plans

Most hosting platforms lure new customers by offering introductory prices. For example, if you decided to launch your blog on WordPress and use Hostinger to host your blog, you might have chosen Hostinger’s Single Web Hosting plan for 48 months at a great rate, but this is only the initial subscription.
Once the introductory period ends, your monthly rate will increase to $3.99 for the same plan. If you choose monthly billing, you must pay about $10 monthly for the same hosting service. This means you must pay $120 a year for hosting and renewing your domain.

The Hidden Costs Of Running A Successful Blog

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
When starting blogging, it's easy to assume that once you've set up your site, readers will come flocking in. But you'll need a solid marketing strategy to get your blog noticed. This is where marketing services come into play. Investing in services like SEO optimization and social media management can be essential for increasing visibility and driving traffic to your blog.
While these services may seem like just another bill to pay, think of them as an investment in the growth and success of your blog, keep in mind that not all marketing services are created equal, so it's important to do your homework before committing your hard-earned cash.

Continuous Learning and Skill Development

Blogging effectively requires various skills, such as writing, graphic design, SEO, social media marketing, and analytics. Acquiring and honing these skills may require additional investment in training courses, workshops, or online tutorials. As you continue to grow your blog, you'll need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in the industry, which may involve ongoing expenses for educational resources.

Promoting and Growing Your Audience

To expand your blog's reach and engage with a wider audience, you may need to invest in advertising, email marketing software, social media management tools, or hiring freelancers for content creation or marketing tasks. These expenses can increase over time, particularly as your blog gains traction and you aim to attract more readers and followers.

Scalability Measures

As your blog grows, you may need to invest in measures to support its expansion, such as upgrading hosting plans, purchasing additional website features, or investing in plugins to improve functionality. These scalability costs are often overlooked by beginners but can become significant as your blog evolves.
Depending on your location and the nature of your content, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements may entail hidden costs for bloggers. This could include investing in legal advice, drafting privacy policies, creating terms of service agreements, protecting your content with copyrights, or ensuring compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR. Failing to address these legal requirements can result in costly penalties down the line, so it's crucial to allocate resources to meet these obligations from the start.

Using A Blog/Website Builder Vs Hiring A Web Designer

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
When it comes to starting a blog, one of the first decisions you'll need to make is whether to use a blog/website builder or hire a web designer. The cost difference between these two options is significant and depends on your budget, goals, and technical skills.

Cost-Effective Choice

Building with a blog builder is usually the more cost-effective choice. Basic plans offered by website builders like Squarespace, Wix, and are budget-friendly and have everything you need to get started.’s cheapest plan, for example, is only $4 per month. If you want a custom domain without the ".blog" subdomain, you must upgrade to the premium package at $8 per month.

A Budget-Friendly Blogging Solution with Notion Integration

If you want to sell products on your blog, you'll have to pay more for an ecommerce plan, ranging from $29 to $45 per month. Conversely, with Feather's Notion to blog concept, you can use Notion as your CMS for free, access themes and all features without additional costs, and skip the need for separate hosting. Feather is an SEO-friendly blog that allows you to publish blog content through Notion without needing any coding or design skills.

Weighing the Costs and Benefits

On the other hand, hiring a web designer is a significant investment. Prices start at $5,000 and can reach up to $30,000 depending on the complexity of the blog and the designer's experience. While there are advantages to hiring a web designer, it's not necessary when you're just starting out. Feather makes the blogging process easy with ready-to-use templates that tick all the aesthetic boxes without breaking the bank.

Striking the Balance Between Affordability and Customization

If you're considering hiring a web designer, waiting until you've built a following and earned it from your blog is best. Feather lets you set up a Subfolder blog (, which is better for SEO than Feather also offers customization options like custom CSS, email collection, and more.
Try Feather’s notion to blog software for free today and go from Notion to blog in minutes without hassle!

How To Save Money When Starting A Blog

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog

1. Prioritize Expenses: Start with Essentials

When it comes to cutting costs in blogging, not all investments are created equal. Therefore, it is advisable to begin with the essentials when starting a blog – a reliable hosting service and a domain name. While there are numerous hosting providers available, look for a hosting plan that is both affordable and offers reliable service. Many hosting providers have discounted rates for new customers or offer introductory packages that can help save money, especially in the initial stages.

2. Embrace Free Tools

Numerous free resources are available to bloggers that can help cut costs. For instance, consider starting your blog on a free platform such as, Blogger, or Medium. These platforms offer basic blogging functionalities at no cost, allowing you to get started without investing in hosting or domain registration fees.

3. DIY Design and Development

If you have basic design and development skills, consider building your blog instead of hiring professionals. Website builders and content management systems, such as WordPress, enable you to create and customize your site without any coding knowledge. Numerous free resources and tutorials are available online to help you learn and troubleshoot as you go.

4. DIY Content Creation

Instead of outsourcing content creation, consider writing your blog posts, designing graphics, and creating multimedia content yourself. Doing this can save you a lot of money and enable you to maintain full creative control over your blog's content and voice.

5. Educate Yourself

Knowledge is power and often comes for free. The more you know about blogging, the less likely you'll waste money on unnecessary services or pricey mistakes.

6. Network and Collaborate

Build relationships with other bloggers and industry professionals to explore opportunities for collaboration and mutual support. By sharing resources, guest posting on each other's blogs, or collaborating on projects, you can leverage each other's expertise and reach new audiences without spending money on advertising or promotion.
Every dollar spent should add value to your blogging journey. Investing wisely, be it in expanding your following or perfecting your skills, lays the foundation for enduring achievement. Also, don't forget to leverage communities related to blogging niches online—they are treasure troves of advice that could save you loads in avoided missteps.

Tips For Starting A Blog

How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
How Much Does It Cost To Start A Blog
Remember to prioritize value over growth when embarking on your journey to create a blog. Building a robust foundation for your blog is crucial, especially in the beginning stages. Avoid the temptation to get caught up in metrics and rapid growth. Instead, take your time to evaluate your blog’s potential revenue, profitability, and long-term sustainability before committing significant financial resources.

Determine Your Needs

Before creating your blog, take a step back and consider your needs carefully. Think about the key features that are essential for its success. Consider the specific functionalities and elements that cater to your blog’s purpose and target audience. Understanding your needs from the start ensures a smoother journey towards achieving your blogging goals.

Planning for the Future

In the early stages of your blog, it’s important to have a forward-thinking mindset. Envision how your blog will evolve over time and anticipate potential expenses that may arise due to its growth. Be prepared for costs such as hosting fees, marketing campaigns, and additional team members. By planning ahead, you can navigate future challenges more effectively.

Being Specific

One of the key aspects of starting a successful blog is finding a specific niche that resonates with your expertise and passion. Writing about a focused area of interest can significantly enhance the quality and relevance of your content. According to Ahrefs blogging statistics, food blogging is one of the most profitable niches, with food bloggers earning the highest median monthly income. By delving into a specific niche that aligns with your interests and expertise, you can set clearer blogging goals and understand the potential return on your investment.
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Go From Notion to Blog With Ease Today with Feather

Feather is the ultimate solution for companies looking to streamline their blog content publishing process. It is a user-friendly blog that allows you to create and publish content through Notion without requiring any coding or design skills. With Feather, you can effortlessly write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to your Feather blog. This feature is especially helpful for companies looking to manage their CRM and website blog in one place - Notion.

SEO-Friendly Blog for Maximum Visibility

One of Feather's standout features is that it's designed to be SEO-friendly. This means you can rest assured that your blog content will rank well on search engines, bringing more organic traffic to your website. By creating an SEO-friendly blog, you can ensure that potential customers can easily discover your content, helping to increase your company's visibility online.

Subfolder Blog for Improved SEO Performance

Feather allows you to set up a subfolder blog ( instead of a subdomain blog ( This is crucial for companies looking to improve their SEO performance. Using a subfolder blog can consolidate all of your website's authority into one place, helping your blog content rank higher on search engines. This simple yet effective feature can make a difference in SEO performance.

Complete Website and CRM Management Through Notion

Another unique aspect of Feather is that it allows companies to manage all their CRM and website blog tasks through Notion. This integration streamlines the blogging process, making it easier for companies to collaborate on blog content. With Feather, your team can effortlessly write, edit, and publish blog content all in one place. This feature is especially valuable for companies looking to increase their efficiency and productivity regarding blog content creation.

Customize Your Blog's Design with Custom CSS

Feather also offers companies the option to change their blog's design with custom CSS. This feature lets companies personalize their blog's appearance according to brand guidelines. By customizing your blog's design, you can create a unique and immersive experience for your website visitors, helping to increase brand recognition and loyalty.

Collect Emails and Much More

Feather goes above and beyond by offering companies the option to collect emails and much more. This feature is essential for companies building their email marketing list and engaging with their audience effectively. By collecting emails through your Feather blog, you can nurture leads and convert them into loyal customers.

Effortless Collaboration and Publishing Process

One of the biggest advantages of using Feather is that it enables companies to collaborate easily during the publishing process. By writing on Notion and automatically publishing to your Feather blog, your team can work seamlessly to create high-quality blog content. This feature is especially useful for companies with remote teams or those looking to streamline their content creation process.

Try Feather's Notion to Blog Software for Free Today

If you want to take your company's blog content to the next level, look no further than Feather. With Feather, you can effortlessly create and publish blog content through Notion, streamline your CRM and website blog management, and customize your blog's design with custom CSS. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to supercharge your company's blog content - create a new account today and go from Notion to blog in minutes!

Ready to start your own blog while writing all your content on Notion?

Notion to Blog in minutes

Start your free trial

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