Beehiiv vs Convertkit: Which Platform Should You Choose For Your Newsletter?

Compare platforms Beehiiv vs. Convertkit for Notion Newsletter and see their differences and features. Consider Feather's Notion email integration.

Beehiiv vs Convertkit: Which Platform Should You Choose For Your Newsletter?
Are you struggling to choose between Beehiive and Convertkit for your Notion newsletter? Comparing these two email marketing platforms can help you decide which is best for your needs. This blog compares Beehiive and Convertkit to make the selection process easier for you.
Would you like to learn more about Feather's solution for sending emails from Notion? This feature could benefit you as you weigh the pros and cons of Beehiive vs. Convertkit for your Notion Newsletter.

Beehiiv vs Convertkit At A Glance

Beehiiv vs Convertkit
Beehiiv vs Convertkit
When weighing ConvertKit vs. Beehiiv, creators must understand which is the newsletter tool. These 2 are some of the best platforms with a free plan and powerful tools.

Key Differences

The main difference is that Beehiiv is a more complete tool because it can be used as a blog and is cheaper. ConvertKit, with a better writing experience, is more customizable and allows the selling of digital products.

Core Similarities

The main similarities between ConvertKit and Beehiiv are that:
  • They both have a free plan
  • Are easy to use
  • Allow creators to monetize their content with memberships and Ads

Beehiiv Advantage

Beehiiv is better if you have a large subscriber base—more than 10,000 subscribers—and want a blog and newsletter in the same place.

ConvertKit Niche

ConvertKit is better for solo creators looking to grow their email list. With unique monetization tools, it's the best platform for one-person businesses like:
  • Authors
  • Musicians
  • Solo entrepreneurs

What Is Beehiiv?

Beehiiv vs Convertkit
Beehiiv vs Convertkit
The innovative start-up Beehiiv was founded in 2021. It offers an intuitive user interface streamlining newsletter creation, sending, and analysis. Beehiiv's focus remains on growth, catering specifically to the needs of flourishing newsletters.

Pricing Structure

A unique selling point is the cost-effective and transparent pricing, ensuring unexpected fees never blindside users.

Revenue Share

Notably, Beehiiv does not charge platform fees on subscribers' revenue, making it an attractive choice for content creators.

Platform Credibility

With a reputation bolstered by its use of top newsletters like:
  • Milk Road
  • Cult of Mac
  • The Dink
  • Madhappy
  • Overtime
  • The Boston Globe

User Friendliness

Its simplicity makes it a perfect choice for writers and creators looking to start their journey without unnecessary complications.

What Is Convertkit?

Beehiiv vs Convertkit
Beehiiv vs Convertkit
ConvertKit was founded in 2013 by a blogger named Nathan Barry. He was looking for a more creator-friendly email marketing solution, so he created his own.

User Base

The result was a platform that appealed to online creators like himself, with more than half a million users today.

Platform Features

This email marketing service provides a user-friendly solution that’s easy to master while giving users all the necessary tools to convince and convert their audience.

Unique Offerings

It also has exciting niche features not found in other services, like the ability to sell digital products and subscriptions and a newsletter referral system.

Simplify Your Content Creation With Feather

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog and email newsletter service that allows you to publish blog content and newsletters directly from Notion.

Benefits of Using Feather With Notion

  • Ideal for companies needing a straightforward solution for publishing blog content
  • Manages CRM tasks through Notion
  • Simplifies the newsletter process
  • Enables sending emails directly from Notion
Ready to take your blog and newsletter game to the next level? Start using Feather today! Create a new account to send emails from Notion or transform your Notion content into a blog in minutes!

Beehiiv vs Convertkit: Detailed Feature Comparison

Beehiiv vs Convertkit
Beehiiv vs Convertkit

Email Editor

The Beehiiv email editor is more advanced than ConvertKit's. You will be able to design much better-looking emails in Beehiiv than in ConvertKit.

Design Simplicity

ConvertKit emails are typically very straightforward, without many imagery or design elements. This will be fine for most text-based newsletters, but some people want more control over their design.

Design Flexibility

For them, we recommend Beehiiv. One advantage of ConvertKit is that it provides pre-designed email templates that will give you a head start when designing an email from scratch.

Audience Management

Beehiiv excels in audience management, offering robust segmentation and tagging capabilities. Users can efficiently manage their subscribers and target specific segments with tailored content.
One of ConvertKit’s standout features is its audience management. It lets users tag and segment subscribers based on behavior and interests, enabling highly personalized email campaigns.

Segmentation & automations

Beehiiv has recently improved their segmenting and automations. However, they still trail ConvertKit. Automations are triggered email sequences when specific actions are taken.
With automations, you can create IF THEN logic to trigger email sequences based on specific criteria being met (e.g., send welcome flow when a new subscriber signs up). With ConvertKit, you can establish deep automations and flow logic.


Scaling newsletter subscribers offers little value without monetization. Thankfully, both platforms provide sufficient commerce capabilities.

ConvertKit Commerce

ConvertKit now enables selling digital goods like online courses, virtual workshops, premium content, and more while handling delivery and processing. So, it readily facilitates recurring subscription revenue.

Beehiiv Paywalls

Beehiiv makes it easy to put specific newsletters or content behind paywalls based on subscriber tiers. Users can tag paid vs free members for gating.

Payment Handling

Beehiiv doesn’t handle product delivery or payments. You must integrate your payment provider.

Revenue Splits

The pivotal difference emerges in revenue cuts. ConvertKit deducts significant percentages from transactions processed natively.

Beehiiv Revenue

But using your Stripe account on Beehiiv, you keep 100% of earnings beyond nominal processing charges.

Platform Comparison

This hands publishers wanting to scale paid newsletter subscriptions 6 or 7 figures without platform fees significant upside relative to ConvertKit. Just consider handling fulfillment and member management yourself.

Landing pages

If you study enough newsletters, as we have, you’ll soon be able to identify ConvertKit and Beehiiv stock landing pages.


Both have distinctive looks and feel. ConvertKit landing pages typically use more muted, ‘serious’ colors, whereas Beehiiv’s use brighter, more ‘fun’ colors. Browse both of their websites to get a sense of this.

Design Flexibility

You aren’t stuck with these color palettes, but busy newsletter creators often take the off-the-shelf options.

Beehiiv Simplicity

Beehiiv doesn’t offer many customization options, but we think that’s okay. When you’re designing a newsletter landing page, simple is often better.


You want to convey your key value proposition and give the user one action to take—sign up for your newsletter.

ConvertKit Customization

ConvertKit gives you more options in terms of landing page design. You can browse their template options here.

Template Focus

As you can see, many templates are geared towards selling info products, and their forms allow you to collect much more information than an email address.

Simplicity Wins

Both landing page creators give you enough to get your newsletter off the ground and think, in many cases, the constraints they have are positive. There is a temptation to complicate newsletter landing pages. Simple converts are better.


Forms – the gateway to growing your email list. Both ConvertKit and Beehiiv let you plant these gates on your website. But how do they fare?

Limited Options

Beehiiv, while it keeps things simple, drops the ball a bit. The options are limited, like a menu with only two dishes. The game of forms is about more than just having them. It’s about flexibility and reliability, too.

Design Flexibility

If you want to personalize your forms and make them look pretty and clean, ConvertKit wins over Beehiiv.


Beehiiv has much more advanced blogging capabilities, making it a good option if you care about SEO. It is also different from a typical newsletter tool as it works as a blog and a newsletter in the same place.

SEO Shortcomings

This is similar to Substack, but if you compare Beehiiv to Substack, you’ll see they have many differences. ConvertKit leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to SEO. Although It wasn't initially meant for blogging, you can't expect people to find you through search engines by posting on ConvertKit.

Integrations comparison

When we compare ConvertKit and Beehiiv in terms of how they integrate with existing tools you may use, there’s currently a clear winner.
This is because ConvertKit has over 100 integrations compared with less than 10 for Beehiiv. It’s key to note that many customers of both will often not use many, as their core use of the tool is simply sending emails.


Beehiiv has the edge when it comes to analytics. With Beehiiv, you can track the Source and Medium of subscribers via UTM parameters to analyze subscribers by acquisition source.
For example, you can compare the open rates for subscribers you acquire via Meta (Facebook) to subscribers you acquire via X (Twitter).

User Experience and Support

User reviews for Beehiiv are generally positive. Many praise its ease of use and customer support. The platform offers various support options, including email and live chat.
ConvertKit receives high marks for its user experience and support. Users like the platform’s simplicity and the many resources available, such as tutorials and webinars, which help them succeed.

Beehiiv vs. Convertkit: Pricing Comparison

Beehiiv vs Convertkit
Beehiiv vs Convertkit
When choosing an email service provider, price is a crucial factor to consider. Both Beehiiv and ConvertKit offer free plans for new customers.

Free Subscriber Limits

Beehiiv's free plan supports up to 2,500 subscribers, while ConvertKit's free plan supports up to 1,000 subscribers.

Pricing Changes

Beehiiv's pricing used to be fixed for up to 100,000 subscribers before they increased their prices in April 2024 to scale based on the number of subscribers, similar to ConvertKit.

Beehiiv Cost Advantage

Although the gap has narrowed, Beehiiv remains more affordable than ConvertKit at most, especially for larger list sizes.

Pricing by Audience

ConvertKit's pricing may be more manageable for smaller lists that sell products to subscribers. On the other hand, for those with larger lists that monetize through newsletter ads, Beehiiv is the more cost-effective option.

Price Comparison

For 100,000 subscribers, Beehiiv's annual plan costs $262 per month compared to ConvertKit's $566 per month for a similar plan.

Choosing a Platform

Considering your list size and monetization strategy is vital in deciding between Beehiiv and ConvertKit regarding pricing.

Beehiiv vs. Convertkit: Which Platform Should You Choose?

Beehiiv vs Convertkit
Beehiiv vs Convertkit
When deciding between ConvertKit and Beehiiv, it's essential to consider your individual needs and business objectives.

Platform Overview

Each platform has strengths and focuses on different aspects of email marketing and newsletter creation, catering to various users.

Choosing the Right Tool

Understanding what you aim to achieve and how each platform aligns with those goals is crucial for making an informed decision.

ConvertKit Audience

ConvertKit is an excellent choice for solo entrepreneurs, such as podcasters, coaches, authors, and individuals running one-person businesses.

ConvertKit Features

This platform offers a range of powerful features specifically tailored to individual creators. ConvertKit provides easy-to-use templates and prebuilt automation tools to streamline audience growth and monetization efforts.

ConvertKit Focus

ConvertKit's focus on simplicity and practical content creator tools makes it a strong choice if you're looking for a platform that caters specifically to solo ventures.

Beehiiv Strengths

On the other hand, if your primary focus is on newsletters and you prioritize fast template customization, straightforward broadcasts, and retaining all revenue from your content, Beehiiv may be more suitable for your needs.

Beehiiv Simplicity

Beehiiv's comparably basic functionality reduces complexity, making it an attractive option for publishers who want a streamlined experience.

Feather Introduction

Feather's Notion to blog platform might be the perfect fit if you are looking for a platform to start a blog or newsletter.

Notion Integration

With Feather, you can leverage Notion as your CMS (Content Management System) while having your blog published on Feather.

Content Management

By centralizing all your business and content operations on Notion, you can enhance productivity and avoid switching between different tools to manage your blog and newsletter effectively.

Unified Platform

Combine Notion and Feather for a seamless content creation and publishing experience, and enjoy the full Hubspot experience.

Send Emails from Notion and Go From Notion to Blog With Ease Today with Feather

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog and email newsletter service that integrates seamlessly with Notion.

Advantages of Using Feather for Publishing

  • Publish blog content and newsletters without any coding or design skills
  • Write blog content directly on Notion and automatically publish it to your Feather blog
  • Maintain web presence and manage content in one place
  • Easy creation of subfolder blogs, beneficial for SEO purposes
  • Boost your SEO rankings effortlessly

Collaborative Publishing With Feather

  • Seamless team collaboration throughout the publishing process
  • Ideal for businesses with distributed teams
  • Enhanced communication and coordination during content creation and publishing
  • Setup and send newsletters directly from Notion
  • One-stop shop for all content creation and distribution needs

What features Does Feather Offer?

Feather offers a range of features designed to make content creation and distribution easy. These include the ability to:
  • Customize your blog’s design using custom CSS
  • Collect emails
  • Much more
Another standout feature of Feather is its ability to provide the HubSpot experience through Notion, allowing businesses to manage all their CRM and website blog management needs from one central location.
To get started with Feather, simply create a new account, and you’ll be ready to run your blog and newsletter. In just a minute, you can go from Notion to blog and even send emails from Notion effortlessly.
Start your content creation journey with Feather today.

Ready to start your own blog while writing all your content on Notion?

Notion to Blog in minutes

Start your free trial

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