Substack vs Medium, Which Platform Is Best for Publishing Your Blog?

Compare Substack and Medium to find the best platform for publishing your blog and effectively reaching your audience.

Substack vs Medium, Which Platform Is Best for Publishing Your Blog?
Are you torn between Substack and Medium for your newsletter? If you're searching for the ideal platform for your Notion newsletter, this blog post can help!
Feather transforms your Notion pages into email newsletters to simplify your writing and publishing process. It allows you to publish your best content in minutes.

Substack vs. Medium Overview

Substack vs Medium
Substack vs Medium
Substack and Medium are two popular online publishing platforms for writers looking to share their work. Both platforms offer distinct advantages to writers, but they also have some key differences that may influence a writer's decision to choose one platform.


Substack is an online publishing tool that allows users to start and scale a newsletter. The allure of paid newsletter culture has made it quite popular with writers looking to monetize their content.

Simplicity and Social Interaction on Substack

One of Substack's main advantages is its simplicity. With a user-friendly interface, writers can easily set up their newsletter and share content quickly. On Substack, writers can also benefit from a more souped-up social feature to help them connect with readers and build a following.

Content is King on Substack

A Substack newsletter's success largely depends on its content quality. Unless writers have highly compelling content that people love to share, they may need to develop a digital marketing strategy to promote their newsletter.


Medium is an open-source website that allows anyone to start publishing essays without needing their website. One of the main advantages of Medium is its built-in readership. By publishing on Medium, writers can tap into a larger audience and benefit from the platform's established readership.

Building an Audience on Medium

This built-in audience can help new writers develop their following without the long-game audience build that is common with SEO. Nevertheless, writers on Medium may have to compete with a sea of other content creators, making it harder to stand out.

The Key Differences Between Substack and Medium: Understanding the Nuances

Substack and Medium offer unique benefits to writers, making them suitable for different needs and goals.

Substack: A Writer's Platform for Growth

Substack is an excellent choice for writers looking to start a newsletter and monetize their content. With its easy-to-use interface and social features, Substack is perfect for writers who want to connect with readers and build a following.

Reach a Wider Audience on Medium

Medium is an ideal platform for writers who want to tap into a built-in readership and benefit from an established audience. By publishing on Medium, writers can reach more readers and gain exposure for their work.
When choosing Substack and Medium, writers should consider their goals and needs and select the platform that aligns with their objectives.

What Is Substack?

Substack vs Medium
Substack vs Medium
Substack's platform's primary focus is to empower writers and provide them with the tools they need to succeed. The platform offers various features catering to the needs of independent content creators.

Benefits of Using Substack

  • Start a paid newsletter/blog business
  • Build a community
  • Monetize through subscriptions
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Connect with readers through social features
They aim to “take care of everything except the hard part (the writing itself).” Once live, the creator chooses which posts are free and which are gated behind the Substack paywall.

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  • Publish blog content and newsletters through Notion
  • No coding or design skills required
  • SEO-friendly blog setup
  • Subfolder blog for better SEO (
  • Manage CRM and blog through Notion, similar to HubSpot
  • Customize the design with custom CSS
  • Collect emails and more
  • Collaborate with your team during publishing
  • Send newsletters directly from Notion
Run your blog and newsletter with Feather today. Create a new account and send emails from Notion, or go from notion to blog in minutes!

Distinct Features of Substack

Substack vs Medium
Substack vs Medium
Substack offers distinct features that set it apart from other platforms, particularly Medium. One key feature is its monetization structure based on monthly or annual paid subscriptions. This model can provide writers with a more consistent income stream than Medium.
There are no upfront costs to start writing or monetize on Substack, although the platform does take a 10% cut of subscription earnings.
Another standout feature of Substack is that writers own their email lists. This means they can access individual email addresses and export them as needed, a feature not available on Medium. Substack supports various content formats, including:
  • Written articles
  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Discussion chats
This versatility allows creators to engage their audiences through multiple mediums.

Building a Community on Substack

Substack also facilitates cross-promotion among writers, enabling them to collaborate and promote each other's newsletters. This feature fosters a sense of community among creators on the platform.

Direct Connection With Readers on Substack

Substack's direct access to readers' inboxes enables writers to connect with their audiences more closely than Medium. This direct line of communication can strengthen relationships with readers and foster reader loyalty.

A New Feature for Substack Users

Substack introduced a new feature called Notes, which offers a short-form content format. Notes allow users to share text or photos concisely, akin to Twitter. This feature adds a new dimension to the platform and gives users a unique way to engage their audiences further.

What Is Medium?

notion image

Benefits of Using Medium

  • Community-driven discovery platform
  • Reach a large audience
  • Engage with readers
  • Connect with online publications sharing similar interests
Its simple interface, extensive social features, and built-in distribution network make it a platform for individuals and organizations to share their ideas, stories, and knowledge with a global audience.
Such functions and features offer readers and content creators various possibilities.

Why Medium is a Leading Choice for Authors and Content Consumers

  • Simple and intuitive editor
  • Distraction-free writing environment
  • Essential formatting options such as headings, lists, images, and embedding multimedia content

Distinct Features of Medium

Substack vs Medium
Substack vs Medium
Medium has several unique features that set it apart from other newsletter platforms like Substack. One standout feature is its monetization system.

Monetization on Medium

On Medium, writers can earn revenue based on how long paying Medium members read their articles and how many people convert to paying members through their referral link. This system incentivizes writers to produce high-quality, engaging content that keeps readers on the platform, benefiting both the writers and Medium.

Eligibility Requirements for Medium Monetization

Writers on Medium must meet specific criteria to be eligible for monetization. They need at least one published article, a minimum of 100 followers, and have published at least once in the past six months. This requirement ensures that writers actively engage with the platform and contribute valuable content to the community.

Collaborating and Expanding Reach with Medium

Medium also offers a feature called publications, which are shared spaces for stories written around a common theme or topic by multiple authors. This feature is akin to magazines or journals and allows writers to collaborate with others and reach a broader audience. Publications on Medium can help writers increase their visibility and connect with readers interested in specific topics.

Medium: A Hub for Writer Connection

Compared to Substack, Medium is more conducive to networking with other writers and publications within the platform. This aspect can benefit writers looking to expand their reach, collaborate on projects, or simply connect with like-minded individuals in the industry.

Larger Reader Base on Medium

Medium's larger internal audience of 60 million monthly visitors also gives writers more exposure and potential readership than Substack's 30 million monthly visitors.

Medium: A Comprehensive Platform for Writers

With its unique monetization system, eligibility requirements, publication feature, networking opportunities, and larger internal audience, Medium presents writers with a platform that offers multiple avenues for growth, collaboration, and monetization. These distinct features make Medium a compelling choice for writers looking to establish their presence, expand their reach, and earn revenue through their content.

Substack vs Medium: Detailed Comparison of Their Features

Substack vs Medium
Substack vs Medium

Content Ownership and Control


Substack offers creators complete control over their content, providing independent rights. This model allows writers to retain ownership of their work and decide where and how it is published.


Medium follows a shared ownership model, hosting content on its platform. Writers who contribute to Medium agree to the platform's terms of service, granting Medium certain rights to the content shared on the site.

Flexibility and Control Over Distribution and Monetization


Substack's model grants creators greater flexibility and authority over distributing and monetizing their content. On Substack, creators can distribute content through:
  • Email newsletters
  • Online posts
This flexibility enables writers to tailor their distribution strategies to their goals and target audience.

Limited Distribution and Monetization Options


Medium offers fewer distribution options and monetization avenues. The platform simplifies content distribution by providing a familiar and easy-to-use interface. Even so, this simplified process limits creators' control over distribution options.

Medium's Monetization Model: The Partner Program

Medium's monetization model is centered around the Medium Partner Program, where creators earn revenue based on engagement and readership of their articles. The platform allows writers to place their articles behind Medium's paywall, earning a portion of the revenue from paying Medium subscribers.

Monetization Options


Medium's monetization options primarily revolve around the Medium Partner Program. Creators can earn revenue based on reader engagement and readership of their articles. Writers can place their articles behind Medium's paywall, where they receive compensation based on reader engagement metrics.


Substack allows creators to offer memberships to paying subscribers, allowing writers to benefit from subscriber contributions directly. Payment processing for Substack subscriptions occurs within the platform, with revenue generated shared between the creator, Stripe processing fees, and Substack itself. Substack charges a 10% fee on all transactions, making it a primary revenue source for the platform.

Comparison of Revenue Potential and Payment Structures


Substack's paid subscription model offers creators higher revenue potential compared to Medium. The platform allows creators to directly benefit from subscriber contributions, offering a more direct and transparent revenue model.


Medium's payment structure is based on reader engagement and readership metrics, with earnings distributed from a shared pool. This model may give writers less individual control over revenue generation, as platform-wide metrics influence earnings.

Community and Engagement


Substack emphasizes the development of a loyal subscriber base, encouraging creators to build and nurture a dedicated audience. This approach fosters direct communication between creators and subscribers, promoting a more intimate and engaged community.


Medium provides built-in community and social features, offering other writers and readers networking opportunities. The platform's social features, such as highlighting, commenting, and following other writers, facilitate interaction and engagement within the Medium community.

Social Features and Networking Opportunities


Substack, in contrast, focuses more on direct communication with subscribers, prioritizing one-to-one interactions between creators and readers.


Medium's platform includes social features that promote networking and interaction among writers and readers. These features, highlighting, commenting, and following other writers, allow writers to engage with the Medium community.

User Experience and Interface

Both Substack and Medium offer user-friendly interfaces, but Substack provides more customization options. Creators can tailor their publications' look and feel, enhancing their content's visual appeal. This customization allows writers to differentiate their publications and create unique brand identities.
Medium simplifies the content creation process, providing a clean and minimalist editor that enables writers to focus on their writing without extensive formatting requirements. The platform's streamlined interface emphasizes content creation, offering a distraction-free environment for writers.

Content Creation and Formatting Options

Medium's platform streamlines content creation, offering a clean and minimalist editor that simplifies the writing process. This minimalist approach enables writers to focus on their content without distractions.
Substack, on the other hand, provides more customization options, allowing creators to enhance the visual appeal of their publications. Writers can customize the look and feel of their newsletters, creating a unique and visually appealing reading experience for subscribers.

Reach and Exposure

Substack prioritizes building a dedicated subscriber base, focusing on quality engagement rather than quantity. This approach may result in a narrower but more engaged audience.
Medium, on the other hand, offers a broader reader base and provides writers with a platform for greater exposure.
The choice between Substack and Medium depends on writers' goals and preferences regarding audience reach and engagement. Writers seeking a smaller but more engaged audience may prefer Substack, while those seeking broader exposure may opt for Medium.
Target audience and niche considerations also influence the preferred reach and exposure among the two platforms.

Analytics and Insights

Both Substack and Medium provide writers with analytics and insights on audience engagement.
Substack offers detailed metrics on the number of readers, new subscribers, and unsubscribes. Creators can track reader interactions with their content, identifying popular posts and engagement trends. The platform also provides metrics on post engagement, such as:
  • Open rates
  • Read times
  • Click-through rates
Medium provides data on the number of views and reads for each article, helping writers analyze content popularity. The platform calculates a read ratio, indicating the percentage of readers who finished reading an entire article. Creators can track follower growth on Medium, monitoring the development of their audience over time.
Medium's analytics offer insights into content engagement and reader interactions, providing writers with valuable data for content optimization.

Which Publishing Platform Is Best?

Substack vs Medium
Substack vs Medium
When deciding on the best publishing platform for your writing, it's essential to consider your goals and audience. Substack and Medium are two popular platforms among writers and bloggers, each with strengths and weaknesses.
Substack is known for being a platform where writers can earn money directly from their audience through subscriptions. On the other hand, Medium is more focused on audience growth and less on subscriptions.

Building an Audience From Scratch on Substack

Substack has seen many success stories from established personalities and journalists who already had a large following before joining the platform. Nevertheless, gaining traction on Substack can be challenging if you don't have an existing audience. The platform improves discoverability, but it may still be difficult for new writers to grow their audience with a pre-existing following.
Although less cool than Substack, Medium is an excellent platform for growing an audience. It is preferred by new writers who are more focused on reaching a broader readership.
Substack and Medium are great options for independent writers and offer better opportunities for building thought leadership than social media platforms. Conversely, it's worth noting that writers do not have absolute control over their content and blog design on these platforms.

Exploring Alternatives to Substack and Medium

If you want complete control over your content, customization, and monetization options, you should look beyond Substack and Medium. Platforms like Feather provide an alternative solution, allowing writers to use Notion as their CMS while hosting their blog on Feather.

Feather: A Customizable Blogging Solution

This setup lets writers write content on Notion and automatically build their websites with customization, analytics, and SEO optimization features. Feather gives writers complete control over their blog, content, and monetization options, creating more opportunities for audience growth and earning potential.

Send Emails From Notion and Go From Notion to Blog With Ease Today With Feather

Feather is a powerful tool for streamlining content creation and distribution. It allows you to publish your blog content and newsletters through Notion without the need for coding or design skills. This feature is particularly useful for companies looking to enhance their online presence.

Setting Up a Subfolder Blog for SEO Benefits

When it comes to online content, SEO is king. Feather allows you to set up a subfolder blog ( rather than a subdomain (, which can significantly boost your SEO efforts. This feature makes it easier for search engines to crawl your content and provides a better user experience for your readers since they can navigate seamlessly between your blog and website.

Getting the HubSpot Experience Through Notion

For those familiar with HubSpot, Feather offers a similar experience through Notion. You can seamlessly manage your CRM and website blog within Notion without switching between multiple platforms. This integration makes it easier to keep track of your leads and nurture them through your content.

Customization Options and Collaboration

Feather continues beyond publishing your content. It allows you to customize your blog's design with custom CSS, collect email addresses, and more. The platform also makes it easy to collaborate with your team during the publishing process, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Seamless Newsletter Integration

In addition to blog content, Feather allows you to set up and send newsletters directly from Notion. This feature streamlines your email marketing efforts, making it easier to engage with your subscribers and driving traffic back to your blog.
Run your blog and newsletter with Feather today. Create a new account and send emails from Notion, or go from notion to blog in minutes!

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