The Definitive Guide To One Page Website SEO (2024)

Optimizing a one page website SEO can be challenging, but with this guide, you'll learn the best practices for maximizing SEO on single-page sites.

The Definitive Guide To One Page Website SEO (2024)
Maximize your website's visibility and enhance your online marketing efforts by leveraging the power of one page website SEO. This SEO strategy is the key to boosting your online presence and attracting potential leads organically. By harnessing the benefits of blogging for business and tailoring your content to one page website SEO, you can drive traffic to your site and establish your brand in the digital landscape. Stick around to find out how you can catapult your website to the top of search engine results with these valuable tips.

What Is A One Page Website?

One Page Website SEO
One Page Website SEO
A one-page website is a type of website that only contains a single HTML page, and all the necessary sections of the site are housed on this particular page. In the case of a one-page website, a menu bar usually sits at the top of the page to enable users to navigate through different sections of the site. This is a crucial feature, as it allows users to scroll through various sections of the site instead of loading new content on multiple pages.

One-Page Website Structure

Structurally, a one-page website is quite straightforward compared to multi-page websites. The user cannot access content on separate URLs through internal linking. Instead, a one-page website is streamlined into separate sections, with a menu that enables visitors to jump to a specific section of interest. This creates an entire website experience all within a single landing page.

Pros and Cons of One-Page Website Design

From my experience, there are numerous advantages to this design approach. A one-page website can present a seamless user experience by eliminating the need to load multiple pages, providing easy access to all content in one place. The challenge arises when organizing and presenting large amounts of content, as well as optimizing for search engine visibility and user navigation.

One Page vs Multi Page Website

One Page Website SEO
One Page Website SEO
The most fundamental choice when building a website is deciding between a one-page and a multi-page structure. One-page websites are focused, streamlined, and excellent for specific purposes. Multi-page websites, on the other hand, are more comprehensive and hierarchically structured to accommodate extensive content.

Use Cases of One-Page Websites

One-page websites are ideal for landing pages, businesses with a single product or service, and for storytelling or personal portfolios. These websites are excellent for telling a compelling story or showcasing your personal portfolio, capturing visitors’ attention as they scroll through your content.

Use Cases of Multi-Page Websites

Multi-page websites are more suitable for informational websites, eCommerce sites, and scalable projects. These websites are perfect for businesses with a vast range of products or services, or for companies planning on expanding their website over time.

Are One Page Websites Good For SEO?

One Page Website SEO
One Page Website SEO

Limited Keyword Targeting

Single-page sites are created around one central concept, which limits the scope of keyword rankings. If your business relies heavily on Google for customer acquisition, it might be more beneficial to opt for a multi-page website that allows you to target a wider range of keywords. A one-page website, by its very nature, restricts your ability to rank for various keywords. For businesses that don’t primarily rely on Google search for traffic, this limitation might not be a major issue.

Content Lacks Detail

One of the significant disadvantages of single-page websites is the lack of detailed content. In contrast to multi-page websites, where each topic can have a dedicated page, all information on a one-page website must be consolidated onto a single page. This format restricts the amount of information that can be shared. Visitors seeking specific and detailed content on various topics may find the lack of depth and specific detail on a single-page website disappointing.

Lack of Structure and Organization Leads to Poor User Experience

Single-page websites are often marred by a lack of clear structure and organization. With all content condensed into a single page, users may find it challenging to navigate such a site, leading to confusion and frustration.
The only way for users to access different sections of a single-page website is by scrolling the page or clicking on anchor links, which can be cumbersome. As more content is squeezed into a single page, the user experience worsens, making it more difficult for visitors to find the information they seek.
Single-page websites typically focus on transactions and conversions and contain minimal informational content like blog posts or research studies. Google webmasters typically link to informational content rather than transactional pages, so opting for a single-page website potentially limits your ability to acquire quality backlinks.
Link building is a crucial element of SEO, and a website structure that is not conducive to building links can hinder your ranking potential. Multi-page websites offer more flexibility in creating content that naturally attracts backlinks.

Streamlined Blog Publishing with Feather

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog platform that allows you to seamlessly publish blog content from Notion, without requiring coding or design skills. Feather enables companies to write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to their Feather blog. With Feather, you can set up a Subfolder blog ( instead of a subdomain (, as subfolders are better for SEO.
Feather allows you to manage your CRM and website blog through Notion, providing a HubSpot-like experience. You can customize your blog's design with custom CSS, collect emails, and more with Feather.
Try Feather’s notion to blog software for free today and create a new account to effortlessly transition from Notion to an SEO-friendly blog in minutes!

What Are The Benefits Of Using One Page Websites?

One Page Website SEO
One Page Website SEO

Better Mobile Experience

The one-page website design can provide a better user experience for mobile users. Google has prioritized mobile-first indexing, meaning sites that perform well on mobile devices are favored.
Single-page sites are often easier to navigate on mobile devices, as users can scroll through all content on one page rather than clicking through multiple pages. This streamlined experience is especially beneficial for users with smaller screens or larger fingers.

They provide a great starting point for brand launches

When launching a new brand, having a single-page website can act as a placeholder until the full website is ready. This allows Google to crawl and index the site before the official launch, ensuring that the brand is indexed and visible online from day one.
This can prevent the site from missing out on valuable clicks or traffic on launch day. Having a single-page website in place prior to the launch can help build rankings for key branded terms.


Single-page websites have a unique advantage when it comes to building links and PageRank. Since all links point to the main URL, there is a 1:1 ratio of links to pages, meaning all backlinks direct authority to a single page.
This can prevent the dilution of authority that occurs when links are spread across multiple pages on a traditional website. As a result, all PageRank built towards the site is consolidated on a single page, boosting its authority and potential ranking power.

Complete Step-by-Step Guide On How To Create A Blog for Your Website on Notion with Feather

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Top 8 Tips For Optimizing A One Page Website SEO

One Page Website SEO
One Page Website SEO

1. Structuring and Optimizing Your Content

When optimizing a single-page website for SEO, it's crucial to structure and optimize your content effectively. By separating content sections with <div>s and creating an H1 tag for each section, you can better organize and classify your content for search engine crawlers.
This not only helps improve the user experience but also provides an opportunity for keyword optimization. Optimizing per section by grouping related content, using keyword-specific <div> or <section> tags with proper IDs, and optimizing image file names and ALT tags can further enhance SEO performance.

2. Don’t Overlook Image Optimization

Image optimization is often neglected in SEO, but with single-page websites that contain lots of imagery, it becomes even more crucial. Using descriptive alt text and file names, compressing image file sizes, and loading images via a CDN are all best practices that should not be skipped. Not only does proper image optimization support potential rankings in image search, but it also contributes to enhanced page speed performance.

3. Don’t Neglect Page Speed

Since all content and resources are located on one page in a single-page website, page speed can be a significant challenge. Implementing lazy loading to dynamically load content as users scroll, reducing the time of page loading using available options, and optimizing for mobile devices with limited bandwidth are essential strategies. Maintaining an optimal page speed not only improves user experience but also positively impacts SEO rankings.
Link building is crucial for driving rankings and traffic, especially for small sites like single-page websites. With limited on-page optimization opportunities, focusing on building relationships and earning quality backlinks is key. By dedicating time to building backlinks, you can compensate for the constraints of having just a single page.

5. Follow On-Page Best Practices

Despite the limitations of having only one page, it's essential to adhere to on-page SEO best practices. Optimizing key elements like meta titles, descriptions, and keyword targeting remains crucial. While internal linking may not be feasible, ensuring that on-page elements are well-optimized is essential for SEO success.
Anchor links play a significant role in one-page websites, serving as main navigation elements that guide users to specific sections. By setting up anchor links to direct users to keyword-optimized <div> IDs, you can further enhance SEO performance. Leveraging anchor links effectively can improve keyword optimization and facilitate easier navigation for users, benefiting both SEO rankings and user experience.

Use Notion As Your Blog CMS With Feather

One of the most critical factors for ranking high in search engine results is having a well-optimized website. An SEO-friendly blog is crucial for boosting your one-page website's organic traffic and improving your ranking on search engine result pages. Feather is a leading service that converts Notion documents into SEO-friendly blogs.

Optimizing SEO with Feather's Subfolder Blog Setup

By creating and publishing blog content through Notion, your company can automatically publish it to your Feather blog with no coding or designing skills required. This innovative solution allows companies to set up a subfolder blog (, which is preferable for SEO purposes. Instead of, which is another possible choice, a subfolder is more favorable for SEO.

Enhancing Blog Management with Feather's Customization Tools

Feather offers customizable design options that allow you to change the appearance of your blog with custom CSS. Feather offers tools such as email collection features and more. With Feather, you can replicate the HubSpot experience on Notion, which allows you to manage your CRM and website blogs on one platform. Feather streamlines the entire blog content creation and publishing process for your team.
Try Feather’s Notion to blog software for free today - create a new account and go from Notion to a well-optimized blog in minutes!
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