How To Choose A CMS: Factors To Consider & 11 CMS Comparisons (2024)

Need help on how to choose a CMS? Take a look at some comparisons of popular CMS options to narrow down your choices.

How To Choose A CMS: Factors To Consider & 11 CMS Comparisons (2024)
Choosing the right Content Management System (CMS) is crucial for successful digital marketing and search engine optimization strategies. The CMS you choose can greatly impact how easy it is to update, maintain, and optimize your website for search engines and customers. Whether you're starting a new business or looking to revamp your online presence, having the right CMS can make a world of difference. It may also be beneficial to know about the benefits of blogging for business. Let's dive in and explore how to choose A CMS in our latest blog post.

What Is A CMS?

How To Choose A CMS
How To Choose A CMS
Content Management Systems (CMS) are a game-changer when it comes to building websites without having to code. A CMS is like an intuitive database connected to your website, enabling you to create, edit, and publish digital content such as web pages, blogs, and multimedia effortlessly. With a user-friendly interface, CMS platforms empower individuals to efficiently manage and maintain their online presence without the need for advanced technical skills.

The Hassle of Modifying Source Code without a CMS

For the uninitiated, tweaking source code to add new content to a website can be an insurmountable challenge. Imagine having to navigate through lines of code just to publish a single blog article! This is where a CMS proves its worth, automating the process by extracting data from the CMS and seamlessly integrating it into the website.
Without a CMS, making even the simplest content updates could be a headache, while a CMS streamlines the process, making website management a breeze for all users, regardless of their level of technical expertise.

Seamless Blog Publishing with Feather

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog platform that allows users to publish blog content through Notion without the need for coding or design skills. Feather makes it easy for companies to write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to their Feather blog.
With Feather, users can set up a subfolder blog ( instead of, an SEO-friendly structure, and enjoy the benefits of managing CRM and website blog management through Notion. Feather also offers customization options like changing designs with custom CSS, email collection, and more.
To enjoy the seamless transition from Notion to blog, try Feather’s notion to blog software for free today. Create a new account and start blogging in minutes!

Headless CMS Vs Traditional CMS

How To Choose A CMS
How To Choose A CMS

What is a Traditional CMS

A traditional CMS is a complete website management system that not only stores your content in a user-friendly database but also offers a front end, usually a "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) style editor to build out your actual web page. The front-end UI designer and back-end storage system are unified in one intuitive interface.

What is a Headless CMS

A headless CMS is a content management system that separates the presentation layer (where content is presented) from the backend (where content is managed). A headless CMS allows you to manage content in one place and be able to deploy that content on any digital channel you choose.
Separating the frontend from the backend unlocks your content, making it easier for marketers to manage content independently, and for developers to build faster, automate changes, and manage digital at scale.

Headless CMS Flexibility

Headless CMSs typically are more flexible than traditional CMSs because they separate the storage of content from the presentation of content. This means you can use any technology to display your content.

Traditional CMS Flexibility

Since a traditional CMS often ties the content storage and the content display together in a pre-built system, you'll have less flexibility to use new or different technologies to display your content.

Headless CMS Frontend Flexibility

With a Headless CMS, you can create tailor-made content with a frontend of your choice. You can build the frontend using any technology you prefer. This decoupling of the frontend and backend enables you to display your content anywhere you want, on any digital channel.

Traditional CMS Frontend Flexibility

With a Traditional CMS, you have little to no frontend freedom as you are often forced to use the predefined system's frontend (UI/UX).

Headless CMS Performance

A headless CMS is faster since it does not have to render the front-end of the website. With a headless CMS, you can have full control over the performance of the website by using technology like static site generators since there is no rendering lag.

Traditional CMS Performance

A traditional CMS may be slower compared to a headless CMS because you are using a system that likely has more code and is trying to do more things. The front-end and back-end have to be served, which may lead to slower load times on the website.

Headless CMS Site Speed

Because the front-end is separate from the back-end, you can use technology like static site generators to pre-build your site and have it load faster. You can control the performance of the website based on the technology you select for your front-end.

Effortless Blog Creation with Feather

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog that allows you to publish blog content through Notion with no coding or design skills. Try Feather’s notion to blog software for free today — create a new account and go from notion to blog in minutes!

Do You Actually Need a CMS?

How To Choose A CMS
How To Choose A CMS
Now, before concerning oneself with choosing the right CMS for their needs, it is essential to understand whether they actually need one. CMSs are designed to streamline the process of creating, editing, and managing digital content, primarily for websites making it a better option if you're creating a large website with multiple pages, or if you plan to make changes or additions to your website down the line. That's because a CMS will make it easier to do things like edit existing pages, publish new pages, add an online store, create web forms, and so forth.

If you’re wondering whether you should consider a CMS, ask yourself the following questions

  • Does the website require frequent content updates, such as articles, product listings or forms?
  • Will multiple content authors be collaborating on the website's content?
  • Does the website require flexible content structuring and organization to accommodate future changes?
  • If you answered yes to one of these questions, there’s a good chance that your project would benefit from the features offered by a good CMS.

Simplified Blog Management with Feather

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog platform that allows users to publish blog content through Notion without the need for coding or design skills. Feather makes it easy for companies to write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to their Feather blog.
With Feather, users can set up a subfolder blog ( instead of, an SEO-friendly structure, and enjoy the benefits of managing CRM and website blog management through Notion. Feather also offers customization options like changing designs with custom CSS, email collection, and more.
To enjoy the seamless transition from Notion to blog, try Feather’s notion to blog software for free today. Create a new account and start blogging in minutes!

How To Choose A CMS: Features Of A Good CMS To Consider

How To Choose A CMS
How To Choose A CMS

Ease of Use

When you're running a business, the last thing you need is a website that's difficult to navigate. The right CMS platform for your business will make it easy for you and your team to edit and upload content. If you’re working with content marketers, editors, and developers, you need to make sure everyone can do their jobs.
Your developers should be able to add custom code through modules, while your content editors should be able to use WYSIWYG editors to upload content quickly. Whether it's updating a blog, adding a new landing page, or managing an event, a CMS platform that's easy to use is a critical asset to your business.


Every business is different. Your website is your shopfront. You might operate in a niche market and work with staff that have different skills and experiences. As your business grows, you need the flexibility to customize your website.
You should be able to choose from hundreds of themes and add your branding without needing to hire a developer. But if you do hire a developer, you should also be able to add advanced features that might not come with a standard theme. If the site isn't customizable, it might not be the right one for your business.


You don't want to wake up in the middle of the night worrying about your website. You need a CMS that's secure, easy to back up, and safe from potential threats.
You need a platform that installs software updates and features that protect your website from being hacked or losing data. If you're not sure how to secure your site or don't have time to back it up regularly, you need a platform that does these things for you.


Choose a CMS that fits your budget today but can grow with your business tomorrow. Many CMS platforms offer a range of plans that offer increasing features as you move up the price points. This is a sign that the CMS can grow with your business.

Prevalence in the Market

If your competitors are using a certain CMS, there's a good chance that it will work for you too. And if your current CMS isn't meeting your needs, you might want to see what other brands in your industry are using. Understanding what platforms are popular can give you ideas for your own website. You might even see something that you hadn't considered before.


Technology changes at a rapid pace. You need a platform that can adapt to these changes. Look for a CMS that can capture and analyze huge amounts of data so you can stay on top of the trends and insights that matter most to your business.

Seamless Blogging with Feather's Notion Integration

If you’re excited about what you’ve read so far, then you should definitely check out Feather. Feather is an SEO-friendly blog platform that allows users to publish blog content through Notion without the need for coding or design skills. Feather makes it easy for companies to write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to their Feather blog.
With Feather, users can set up a subfolder blog ( instead of, an SEO-friendly structure, and enjoy the benefits of managing CRM and website blog management through Notion. Feather also offers customization options like changing designs with custom CSS, email collection, and more.
To enjoy the seamless transition from Notion to blog, try Feather’s notion to blog software for free today. Create a new account and start blogging in minutes!

11 Best CMS Systems Available On The Market

How To Choose A CMS
How To Choose A CMS

1. Feather: The SEO-Friendly Notion to Blog CMS

Feather is an SEO-friendly blog that allows you to publish blog content through Notion without the need for coding or design skills. It enables companies to write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to their Feather blog. The platform offers the experience of HubSpot through Notion, managing CRM and website blog management easily.
Try Feather’s notion to blog software for free today — create a new account and go from notion to blog in minutes!

2. WordPress: The User-Friendly CMS Powerhouse

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS platforms globally, known for its user-friendly interface and extensive plugin ecosystem. It offers customizable themes, plugins for added functionality, SEO optimization tools, and a robust community for support and resources. Ideal for blogs, small to medium-sized websites, e-commerce stores (with WooCommerce plugin), and larger content-heavy websites.

3. Drupal: The Scalable CMS Solution

Drupal is a flexible and powerful open-source CMS platform known for its scalability and customization options. It offers advanced content management capabilities, robust security features, extensive API support, and multi-site management. Suited for large enterprise websites, government sites, community platforms, and websites requiring complex functionality and scalability.

4. Joomla: The Balanced CMS Platform

Joomla is an open-source CMS platform known for its ease of use and extensibility, offering a balance between flexibility and user-friendliness. It provides a wide range of templates and extensions, built-in SEO features, user management options, and multilingual support. Suitable for small to medium-sized businesses, online magazines, e-commerce websites, and community portals.

5. Shopify: The E-commerce CMS Solution

Shopify is a popular hosted e-commerce platform that allows users to set up and manage online stores without needing technical expertise. It offers customizable templates, built-in payment processing, inventory management, order tracking, and marketing tools. Ideal for entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes looking to launch and manage online stores quickly and efficiently.

6. Magento: The E-commerce Powerhouse

Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform known for its robust features and scalability, designed to handle large-scale online stores. It provides extensive customization options, powerful product management tools, advanced SEO capabilities, and support for multi-store and multi-language setups. Best suited for large enterprises and businesses with complex e-commerce requirements, offering scalability, flexibility, and advanced features.

7. Notion: The All-in-One Workspace

Notion is an all-in-one workspace platform that combines notes, documents, databases, tasks, and collaboration tools in one place. It offers a flexible and customizable interface, templates for various use cases, real-time collaboration, and integration with other tools. Suitable for personal productivity, team collaboration, project management, knowledge base creation, workflow organization, and blog websites.

8. Content Hub: The Centralized Content Management Platform

Content Hub is a centralized platform that allows organizations to manage and distribute digital content across various channels and platforms. It provides content management, digital asset management (DAM), content localization, workflow automation, and analytics capabilities. Ideal for enterprises and large organizations with complex content management needs, including marketing teams, publishers, and digital agencies.

9. Contentful: The Headless CMS Solution

Contentful is a headless CMS that separates content creation from its presentation, offering flexibility and scalability for developers and content creators. It provides a cloud-based platform, content modeling tools, API-driven content delivery, multi-channel publishing, and customizable workflows. Suitable for developers building websites, mobile apps, and digital experiences that require dynamic and structured content delivery.

10. Contentstack: The Flexible CMS Platform

Contentstack is a headless CMS platform designed for developers and content editors to create, manage, and deliver digital content across multiple channels. It offers customizable content models, omnichannel content delivery, workflow management, versioning, and integrations with third-party services. Ideal for enterprises and digital-first businesses looking for a scalable and flexible CMS solution for content-driven applications and websites.

11. Webflow: The No-Code Website Builder

Webflow is a no-code website builder and CMS platform that empowers users to design, build, and launch responsive websites without writing code. It provides a visual editor, drag-and-drop interface, customizable templates, hosting services, e-commerce functionality, and SEO optimization tools. Suitable for designers, marketers, freelancers, and small businesses looking to create professional websites without the need for coding skills.

Complete Step-by-Step Guide On How To Create A Blog for Your Website on Notion with Feather

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How To Choose The Best CMS: Making Your Decision

How to Choose a CMS
How to Choose a CMS

Creating a Shortlist of CMS Options

When choosing a CMS, it's crucial to start by creating a shortlist of options based on thorough research and evaluation. Building this shortlist will make the decision-making process smoother and more manageable.
  • Start by outlining your specific requirements, including the necessary features and functionality.
  • Consider elements such as scalability, customization options, ease of use, and integrations.
  • Research various CMS platforms, keeping your unique needs in mind.
  • Look for platforms that align with your goals and objectives.
  • Evaluate and compare these platforms based on factors such as user-friendliness, customer support, pricing, and user reviews.

Testing Out Demo Versions or Trial Periods

After creating a shortlist, the next step involves testing demo versions or trial periods of the CMS platforms on your list. This step allows you to experience firsthand how each platform performs and how well it meets your specific requirements.
During this phase, pay attention to the ease of use, customization possibilities, available features, and overall performance of each CMS. Take note of any limitations or challenges you encounter while exploring the platform. This hands-on experience will provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

Consulting with Stakeholders and Decision-Makers

If you're working within a team or organization, consult with stakeholders and decision-makers to gather their input and insights. Discuss your shortlisted CMS options and share your findings from testing out demo versions or trial periods. Seek feedback from team members who will be using the CMS regularly.
Their perspectives can offer valuable insights into which platform best aligns with your organization's goals and requirements. If you're a solo business owner or hold decision-making power, consider skipping this step. Instead, read reviews and gather information from reputable sources to gauge community opinions on the CMS platforms you're considering.

Finalizing Your Selection Based on Needs, Budget, and Long-Term Goals

The final step in selecting a CMS involves finalizing your selection based on your needs, budget, and long-term goals. Evaluate each CMS platform based on how well it meets your specific requirements, including customization options, scalability, and integrations. Consider your budget constraints and choose a platform that offers the best value for your investment.
Think about your long-term goals and how each CMS can support your growth and development. Keep in mind that the CMS you choose should be flexible enough to evolve with your business. Once you've weighed all these factors, make your final decision and begin the implementation process.
  • Best Blog Website
  • Best Blog Sites for Writers

Use Notion As Your Blog CMS With Feather

Feather allows companies to write blog content on Notion and automatically publish it to their Feather blog. Feather allows you to setup a Subfolder blog ( instead of, because subfolder is better for SEO).
Feather enables companies to get the HubSpot experience through Notion by allowing them to manage all of their CRM and website blog management through Notion. We also offer options to change design with custom CSS, collect Emails, and much more. Write on Notion, and automatically get that published to SEO-friendly blog – collaborate with the entire team easily during the publishing process.
Try Feather’s notion to blog software for free today — create a new account and go from notion to blog in minutes!

Ready to start your own blog while writing all your content on Notion?

Notion to Blog in minutes

Start your free trial

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