How to configure Sub-folders with Cloudflare on Feather

Cloudflare configuration setup to host your blog as a /blog sub-folder

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How to configure Sub-folders with Cloudflare on Feather
Do not index
Do not index
This is the most robust and easiest way to add Sub-folders. Any type of website can be configured to use sub-folders when your DNS records are hosted on Cloudflare. If you are not using Cloudflare as your DNS, I suggest you to use it. Around 20% of the website are powered by Cloudflare.
Let’s get started with the setup,

1. Open Workers Dashboard

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2. Create a service

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You can name this whatever you want.
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You cannot edit the worker code yet so simply press finish.
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You should now see your worker in the workers overview page.
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3. Edit your worker

Click on your worker and press edit code.
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Remove all the existing code and paste the following code into the worker.
addEventListener("fetch", event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
  const urlObject = new URL(request.url)

  if (urlObject.pathname.endsWith('/') && urlObject.pathname !== '/') {
    urlObject.pathname = urlObject.pathname.slice(0, -1)
    return Response.redirect(urlObject.toString(), 301)

  const host =

  try {
    const blogHost = "" // change this to your feather blog url
    // I'm hosting on '' that's why I have ["blog", "_feather"] in below code
    // if you're hosting on '' then below code should be ["help", "_feather"]
    const paths = ["blog", "_feather"]  

    let url = new URL(request.url)

    const prevUrl = new URL(url)    
    if (
      paths.some((path) => urlObject.pathname === `/${path}` || 
    ) {        
      url.hostname = blogHost

    let proxyRequest = new Request(url.toString(), request)
    proxyRequest.headers.set("X-Forwarded-Host", host)

    return fetch(proxyRequest)
  } catch (e) {    
    return await fetch(request);
Please make sure to update line 16 & line 20 accordingly.
Once you paste it, your worker should look like this. Make the changes as required and then press deploy.
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4. Set trigger routes

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We need 2 routes
  1. /blog* (if you are hosting on mydomain/help, you will need to write /help* instead)
  1. /_feather*
Let’s consider here that you’re trying to host Sub-folder at /blog for domain. For that, you would have to select zone and add the required routes as shown in the below screenshots.
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5. Setup Sub-folder in Feather Dashboard

In Feather, navigate to Settings > Features and switch on “Enable Subdirectory” feature and after that go to Settings > Sub-folder management and enter the following values,
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Make sure to replace with the domain you are using and blog with whatever sub-route you plan to use.
Important Note: Under the Domains section make sure that you are using Subdomain settings. If you have added a custom domain there, please remove it. Sub-folders does not require the Custom Domain configurations and if you have it, then the sub-folder will not work.
Once you do these, your sub-folder should be live. You should be able to access your feather site on If it’s not reach out to us at